Prison camps where a governments enemies are executed after secret trials--with no jury, no appeal, and with the judge, prosecutor, and "defence" all from the same organization--are typical of vicious tyrannies. Fortunately, such things could never happen in the United States, where we have a long tradition of the rule of law, open trials, and fair courts. In the wake of the second Gulf War, we can expect the American people to support the overthrow any government that runs such "death camps".
Thursday, May 29, 2003
Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Tuesday, May 27, 2003
You'ev probably seen this story about the close genetic relationship between chimps and humans. What interests me is that everyone seems to think that this means we should move the chimpanzees to genus Homo. I think it should be the other way around. I have no joke here, I just like saying, "Pongo sapiens".
Wednesday, May 14, 2003
The Hubble Telescope has taken the deepest pictures ever of the night sky. And they are just beautiful. (Via The Sideshow)
Yahoo news reports that Thailand's Finance Minister was trapped in his new BMW when the car's computer crashed, locking all the doors and shutting down the air-conditioning.
The story doesn't mention what OS the car was running, but you can guess, can't you? Of course you can.
Where do you want to get stuck today?
It looks like Oregon won't be hiring Klingon interpreters for it's mental health system after all.