Monday, July 21, 2003

Oh, give me a break

Alcoholics set to sue drink firms, writes Matthew Knowles in the Sunday Times (London): "Twleve alcoholics are trying to sue drink manufacturers for failing to warn them of the dangers of alcohol. The group, aged between 18 and 60, will claim that their lives have been ruined by addiction and that no warnings were given."

Yeah. Nobody ever warned them that you could get addicted to alcohol. They never saw a bum, never heard of a Skid Row, never heard a preacher speak against strong drink, never heard of alcoholism. That's because they were raised in a cave by wolves.

Can I sue morons like these for failing to take personal responsibility for their own actions? Please? Because they're doing my blood pressure no good, I can tell you.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003


The Institute For the Study of the Neurologically Typical is doing brilliant work in researching a sadly common mental disorder. (via Electrolite)